
Ok, some weeks you just hang on until it’s over….

(yes, that was my week)

So, what to do? How do you stay on track with your soul?


Here are my top 5 life-basics:


1.    Pay attention….to little things…

especially what’s in front of you…




     2.   Take any time you can to be in nature…..see the sunrise…sunset….

                                                 take as many pictures as possible…

                                                                                                     just breathe…



3.    Keep it simple….

 take care of your heart….


in the world between worlds

where the shimmering abstract

holds all the secrets within us

words are absent

no scripture exists

there are no definitions

as there is no need for such things

in our eternal knowing 

we are ever-being known

the mystic colors of God fill us

unseeable in this earthly realms obscured vision 

they hold us there 

where we don’t need to be  understood 

or understand anything

we are simply

all we could ever hope to be

we are the lover and the beloved

eternal love

eternally loved 


You in I

I in you



photo found on deviantart.com

                      4.     Say these words a lot….

5. Turn up the music…


First off….

I thought I knew this…

                                                         and yet…this



my amazing friend, Sarah, had to remind me….



no perfection needed to share my voice…

                        my song…


I just need to keep doing it….


right now!



I just need to keep showing up…


 right now!

the signs are everywhere…


just like that light within you


The message that saves us is never….

be perfect…


The call is always…





yoU are ENOUGH!

You ARE BeLOVEd!!!


facebook / Adam A deFranco / Wisdom Journal




GLOW WITH IT…say it!



That’s the internal message of our lives……

                                       once you get IT…..

                                                                        it changes…..










oh yes…I really do!

How about you?

Do you really believe in the power?

Do you live in the power?


It’s the greatest adventure of all…


your heart is calling….

can you hear it?


just step in…

google images

Remember to remember:

love is the flame

ALL people yearn for the flame


some people never discover the flame

some people ignore the flame

some people avoid the flame 

some people examine the flame

some people research the flame

some people control the flame

some people fear the flame

some people admire the flame

some people use the flame

some people walk on the flame

some people dance with the flame

some people dance in the flame

some people become the flame

some people are consumed by the flame

your choice…

how will you burn?


Those who are drawn to the root of love are mystics. Mystics are not satisfied with the surface patterns of love, with the emotional tangles and insecurities of human loving. They seek a purer wine, a more potent passion. They need the essence of love, its divine substance.                                                                                                                                                          ~ Irina Tweedie

Not anyone who says, “I’m going to be 

   careful and smart in the matters of love,”

who says, “I’m going to choose slowly,”

but only those lovers who didn’t choose at all

but were, as it were, chosen

by something invisible 

and powerful and uncontrollable

and beautiful and possibly even


only those know what I’m talking about 

in this talking about love. 

                                                                             -Mary Oliver


I think that may be all that needs to be said this week…


All these awesome neon signs found on pinterest / al513



bridges are never intentionally built for burning…

they are built to allow connection…

to allow crossings…to reach the other side…

the know the other…

to allow free comings and goings…


found on google images


Love is the the most radically subversive activism of all,
                                        it’s the only thing that ever changed any one.                                        – Ann Voskamp
Read Ann’s full blog post here



we reach a place….

                              a place where we must make a decision…

You have burned your bridges.

You have passed through the gate

marked “no return”

And for you there is no going back

No going back to the security of

the known, familiar house,

To the well-worn dispensations

and the threadbare coverings.

Now you are out there in uncharted


heavy with threat and shadows not

yet entered.

The risks are high, and yet you

strike out boldly,

Guided only by unwavering conviction

And the longing for the true centre

of the land.

This is what it means to do a new


So, you travel lightly.

You are abandoned, given up in all


To the task that lies ahead.

Therefore, you may be exactly who

you are.

You have inhabited yourself,

You are at home,

And home is where you are,

Even if it is the desert.

No one can dispossess you of your own in-dwelling.

This is what it means to be free.

We stand, one foot upon the bridge,

Wondering if we too have the courage to go over

And strike the match behind us.


The Dream of Learning our True Name by Kathy Galloway



only these burned places can lead us to freedom…

only the striking of the match will allow new life to begin

Jeff Brown talks about unconditional love –

I think unconditional love is a beautiful thing, so long as we don’t use it against ourselves. I can love all of humanity, but that doesn’t mean that I will put up with all of humanity. The boundary, for me, is set at healthy self-regard. When my unconditional love for another undermines my
self-respect, the fence goes up. Not because I don’t believe in their possibilities, but because I have come to realize that there is no value in sacrificing my actuality for their potentiality. I make a distinction between human potential- which may well be infinite- and human reality- which is often quite finite, particularly in those who choose, over decades, to remain asleep. Yes they may well awaken, but we should never postpone any part of our own life waiting for that to happen. Unconditional love begins at home, with the protecting and honoring of our own unique journey.


to truly love

we must love ourselves –

and then others –

to experience true freedom and make a real difference in the world

As Ram Dass so wonderfully said,

The most you can do for all of us, is to become all you are meant to become.


and so………….sometimes…………

                                            we MUST….

                                                      BURN things….


ill just call you a lesson I have learned

ill just call you a bridge that I must burn

you wont get no satisfaction 

as I light the match and turn  

all those things I learned the hard way

broken dreams that I have earned

every heartache

every heartbreak

all begin and end with you

so I’ll say goodbye my darlin’

now I wish for something new 

and I’ll wake up in the morning

to a sky of brilliant blue

I will look for love my darling

for the love I’m overdue

and I’ll call you a lesson I have learned

I’ll just call you a lesson I have learned


found on google images


when you reach freedom, stretch far
you’ll know it..cobwebs leave the corner
don’t hide,
just glide to the nearest door…mere shadows leave reflections on the wall

when you reach freedom within,
pause…hold it tenderly,
keep the moment for you alone…

only saints walk naked in the world…
death is over, and freedom one…
leave the church of your birth and fly…
to the trees above the river

never again will there be others who know for you…
pause and listen to the voice coming up ,
deep down in the roots of a woman…free.

Donna Knutson

The Poet Preacher


image found on google images

on the shores of my soul
I invite you to come
just sit with me a while
wonder & wander the possibilities
of where our love can leadlove
the river is wide
from shore to shore
over the troubled waters
we must cross once
then over and back
again and again
to reach our homes
on distant shores
it’s the only way we can stay joyously alive
it’s the only way we can truly live
where we leave fear & war & pain behind
we must build a bridge of love
let’s build a bridge of love

both sides now


image found on facebook

I’m thinking about our time


somehow…we always think we have time…


even if we live, what’s considered  a ‘loooong’ life it’s only about 100 years…

that seemed like a lot of time 40 years ago…


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now….quickly approaching 52

seems like it has flown by as fast as the proverbial guy below…


why, just a few days ago,

I was a kid, climbing trees, playing with earthworms and acorns, collecting frogs and fireflies,

singing songs on the sidewalk….


me and my ‘dirdie’

oh time

oh love

oh life

awaken us all

to hear

to see

to be aware

shake our comfort zones

let us scream

let us cry

let us shout

let us waste no more of our living

help us choose wisely

help us live passionately 

help us love mercy 

establishing justice

inhabiting grace

keep us humble

keep us growing 

keep us connected 

knowing our own valve

as well as every others

Oh God of love

Oh God of life

Oh God of joy

awaken us

bring us peace



Photo by Lissette Hesmadt

If you find all your roads and paths blocked,
be still
you will be shown a secret way that no one knows.

 ~ Rumi

you may not be at a place you enjoy at moment

PLEASE remember to remember:

life is changing

you are changing

you can make like a tree and “leave”


you can become like a tree and root deep

either way…

you are loved!


follow me on instagram / al513


I walk through the raspy voices of the fallen leaves
shuffle through the playlist of your memory
rifle through suitcases of past days
stepping on milestones strategically placed
arriving at this moments’ frigid windchill
to stand on the sandy shore
of blue skied tomorrows
chloroformed dreams
full of next choices
to do
to be
to want
to know
I turn toward the day, falling down with such grace
the brilliant colors of the future before me
the promises of love written all across the horizon
a love song playlist
softly shuffling under my feet
life, with all its beauty, sings my name softly
a lullaby, like no other,
sleep, child, all is well
you are love
you are loved




“What’s your favorite memory?” she once asked me.

“Walking in the sunshine,” I replied.

“And why is that your favorite?”

“Because I felt happy. I felt happy, loved, loving, and free. It’s my first memory.”

“That’s what you are,” she responded. “That’s your energy. No matter what, forever, for always, that’s what you will have the ability to be: happy, loved, loving, and free. Your original energy will always be accessible to you, because, ultimately, your original energy is who you are.”

Most of what I learned in those new age classes and groups eventually fell by the wayside, but my grandmother’s wisdom remained. Not that it was unique. Buddhist and Hindu teachings have long told us that everything is energy, dancing in form, while the dance itself is an endless flow between the form and the formless.

In other words, everything is interconnected; and, as “energy beings,” we can magnetize (into our lives) the things and people that are right for us. This is not exactly the same as the Law of Attraction where it seems one has to be specific. Rather, what I’m referring to simply entails that we know and be ourselves.

This has made the concept of connection and attraction much easier for me to understand, because it indicates that connection and attraction, for the most part, is not something we can look for or control—not if we want it to be real.

Connection and attraction is an invisible—”behind the scenes”— process that happens when we allow it to flow freely by focusing on who we are at the core.

When we remember and then become an expression of our soul signature—our original energy that most of us got to know in early childhood—we allow that energy to flow without being affected by the vibes around us.

The more we emit our soul signature—our unique expression, our spiritual DNA—the more we’re prepared for what we desire to manifest itself at any time, because it won’t surprise or scare us.


Mary Dunlop


 Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
~Henry David Thoreau

  This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified.
– Martin Luther


Welcome February 2017

rabbit. rabbit. rabbit.
